Pusser's: The Original Rum

Discover how Pusser's Rum recreated and maintained the original Royal Navy rum recipe!
It wasn't that long ago that the Royal Navy distributed a daily ration of rum to its sailors. If you know a veteran from those days, they'll tell you about their daily tot and how much they miss its smooth taste.
Though the tradition ended on July 31, 1970, or Black Tot Day, the tradition of the Royal Navy rum recipe did not.
Are you interested in the drink of choice for generations of British Navy veterans? Learn about how Pusser's Rum crafts this original rum recipe.
Original Rum
Rum and the Royal Navy share a long history. As ships sailed across the British Empire, sailors took barrels of it produced in sugar cane rich colonies like Jamaica, Guyana, and Trinidad.
As citizens and sailors alike fell in love with it, the Royal Navy decided to produce its own blended rum to distribute to its sailors.
Distributed by Pursers, or "Pussers," the daily drink became a highlight of Royal Naval service.
In those days, ship-life was a hard and dirty life. Naval officials felt a daily rum ration would improve morale. So they came up with a recipe that we still use today.
What Makes a Rum a Royal Navy Rum?
Like American Bourbon, French Champagne, and Royal Navy whiskey meant for submariners, Royal Navy rum has specific standards.
A British Navy Rum must be 54.5% ABV. You'll see rums advertised as Navy Strength up to 57%, but true British Navy rum is that exact number. See our Pusser's Gunpowder Proof, for example.
While there is no "official" recipe for rum to be labeled a British Navy rum, spirits experts agree that the recipe should be a blend of aged rums from former British colonies like Jamaica, Trinidad, or Guyana.
Pusser's Rum recreates the recipe used by the British Navy up until Black Tot Day. The majority of rum in this blend came from the pot-stills of the Demerara River Valley in Guyana.
This ensures that veterans can once again enjoy their daily tot from the comfort of their homes. Our rum helps you take part in this centuries-old tradition.
British Navy Rum Cocktails
The history of Royal Navy Rum is the history of rum drinks. In 1740, Admiral Vernon issued a mandate for the daily rum ration. To prevent drunkenness, he decreed the rum mixed before sailors took their drink.
He instructed the rum mixed with water, lime, and sugar. The sailors referred to this blend as "Grog," which now is an interchangeable term for rum punch. What Vernon did, was create the world's first Daquiri.
These days, you can use Pusser's Rum to drink straight, on the rocks, or in a classic rum cocktail to keep Royal Navy traditions alive.
Pusser's Rum: A Royal Tradition
Pusser's Rum aims to keep the daily tot tradition alive for veterans and new generations alike. This Royal Navy rum is an affordable drink distilled with the history of the brave men and women who served.
Pick up a bottle today and raise a glass for a traditional Royal Salute.
Would like to buy Pussers Rum to replace the now empty bottle I bought in northwest FL.
Would like to purchase Pussers navy rum and I can’t find it anywhere
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