Bartender on Deck: Matheus Bonora Gamez at Dorian

Tell us about yourself. What's your background, and how did you end up as a bartender?
I started work as a barback six years ago. Then, I became a bartender in Mercantile Group. I left there and became a bar manager in Pygmalion. Now I'm the head bartender and manager for Dorian in Dublin, Ireland. I create signature cocktails and perform all craft work.
What’s your favorite Pusser’s Rum cocktail, and what is the recipe for making it?
I love to do a Boston Sidecar with Pusser's Rum.
Coupe glass
25 ml lemon juice
10 ml Demerara sugar
15 ml orange liquor
35 ml Pusser's Rum
Garnish with a sugar ring on the glass and a lemon zest
Where do you find inspiration for your cocktails? Your greatest achievement?
I love to check classics and add something new. [Like the Boston Sidecar with Pusser's!] The Savoy Cocktail Book and The Flavor Bible are the most important references I use for my cocktails.
What’s an interesting fact about yourself?
I have been vegan for four years now. Also, I'm a black belt in Brazilian Jiu-jitsu. I'm from Brazil and I moved to Ireland seven years ago.
How can people get in touch or learn more about you? Any social media handles?
@silverback_bonora on Instagram.
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