Pusser's Rum Trafalgar Decanter
Regular price $65.00 Sale price $55.00 Save $10.00Please note: Due to liquor laws and restrictions, this decanter is sold empty. Decanter includes cork stopper.
This Decanter commemorates Nelson 's great victory at the Battle of Trafalgar, October 21st, 1805. On that day, Great Britain 's Royal Navy won its greatest victory and lost its greatest hero, Vice Admiral Lord Horatio Nelson. A limited edition of not more than 36,000 hand cast decanters have been commissioned for worldwide distribution, a small number for so large a market.
There are four major designs around the body of the decanter, three of them depicting scenes from the greatest naval engagements that Nelson lead or played the major role in. Three smaller cameos adorn the shoulder. The Rope Bumper around the decanters base was produced at the ropery and on the same machinery that made all the original rope for H.M.S. VICTORY.
Pusser's Rum is also known to the Navy as 'Nelson's Blood'. Unfortunately, in the heat of battle at Trafalgar, Nelson was mortally wounded by a French sharpshooter. At the end of the battle, legend has it that they placed his body in a large puncheon (cask) of Admiralty rum to preserve it for the long voyage back to England. Months later upon arrival at Portsmouth, his pickled body was removed, but most of the rum was gone. The sailors had drilled a small hole at the base of the cask, and drank all the rum, thereby drinking of 'Nelson's Blood' which since has been synonymous with the name Pusser's Rum.